Empower your research with high-quality patient data

Journl StudyFlow

Journl consists of a patient app, clinician web app and an AI visit assistant.
Journl is designed so that the components can be configured in multiple ways to support the diverse needs of patients, clinicians and researchers.

Below you can see the most popular variations - and read more about the different tools. Please contact us to hear how Journl can be a good solution for you.

"Journl's role in the project is invaluable. From the start, Journl has provided and serviced to the maximum to ensure that we reach the finish line with this project."
Gry Assam Taarnhøj, MD & PhD
Department of Oncology, Rigshospitalet

Reduce costs and get started quickly

Setting up an app from scratch is expensive and confusing. Journl StudyFlow solves this problem by using standard components and data integrations, resulting in early results and cost savings.

This makes Journl StudyFlow an attractive solution for collecting important patient data - contributing to new and important research.

Data - right when you need it

Several researchers have experienced months-long delays in their research due to the process and dialog time of data extraction.

With Journl, you can extract data at any point in time. Data is delivered in the most common formats - FHIR, Excel, etc. - so you're quickly ready for further data processing and analysis.

Let's have a quick chat about
what Journl can do for you
Contact us

The right tool for the job

Our web app makes it easy to create the courses and questionnaires that trial participants must complete.

Once the courses are active, the web app provides an overview of the participants and the responses you receive - and you can export as needed.

  • Requires no installation
  • Connects to RegionID, or standalone environment
  • Graphical overview of data and the ability to access individual responses
  • Create questionnaires from scratch or use standard questionnaires such as EQ-5D-5L as a starting point.

At a glance

The patient overview provides a quick insight into the patient's latest responses, general health and development, with the option to drill down into individual records.

Planning and scheduling

Quick and easy planning of patient registration processes. Set intervals, frequencies and registration times to suit each patient's journey.

Key figures

The department's key figures provide an overview of the most important parameters for all patients, such as the number of patients, activity and specific markers for each disease area.

Make it easy to participate in research

Journl's app makes it easy for participants to engage in research projects.
The app provides easy access to questionnaires and other activities, and supports participants with reminders, feedback and relevant insights.
Participants log in with MitID to access their course, but can also set a personalized PIN code.

Video content

Video communication is an important part of the Jounl App. Doctors and nurses speak at eye level and show how the patient registers, reducing errors and concerns.

My page

Through simple graphs and key figures, the patient can follow their own development. This creates motivation and enables the patient to understand and articulate their own situation.


Feedback based on the patient's symptoms, providing guidance and concrete advice when answering questionnaires and giving the patient a sense of being heard.